Creative Writers Cafes

Nothing’s better than everything with caffeine.

***Registration CLOSED for the Fall Semester. Registrations for the Winter Semester are OPEN.***

Creative Writers Cafe #1

Creative Writers Cafe #2

Want to sample a taste of book coaching and a bit of cookies, coffee, or tea?

This coming fall, I plan on hosting an online Christian creative writers cafe, and an in-person non-faith based creative writers cafe at Noveltea Bakery Cafe (604 Prince Street, Truro).

Encouragement, reflection time, and one-on-one coaching/feedback is included in each session. Fill your writing life with passion and purpose as you progress on your own project with accountability, structure, feedback and a cheerleader in your corner. All writing abilities, skill levels, and kinds of faith/doubt are welcome.

Both Cafes are $20 CAD per session. You can pay a discounted 3 months-at-once at the beginning of the semester ($230) by e-transfer to (preferred), cash, or Paypal. You can also pay by cash, Paypal, or e-transfer $20 per session on the day of the event. If there happens to be a day cancelled due to things like weather or sickness, prepaid fees for that day will be applied as a credit to future cafes. Receipts will be provided.

The coaching sessions focus on (A) setting up accountability and customized systems for completing your unique writing goals, (B) addressing questions you have about your work and any issues you are facing and (C) challenging you with lots of encouragement to see your writing through new eyes and to try new things you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have the courage to just yet.

Our next set of group classes are happening September to November 2024, starting the week of September 8th. The time of the week the cafés are held on will be decided in consultation with the registered writers. The

Fall Classes are closed to registration. But the Winter Semester is open for registrations. There is limited space this winter so register today by emailing

Let’s get the creative ideas flowing!